New to KHC? ANSWERS TO MOST COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS: WHAT STYLE IS OUR WORSHIP SERVICE? The atmosphere of our Worship Services is casual and friendly. People are joyfully greeting each other as we begin our worship service. Our music is led by a team of musicians and vocalists. The music is moderately contemporary with the addition of some traditional hymns. Each Sunday a sermon is offered that is Biblically grounded, Christ-centered, and application driven so that we know God better and desire to serve Him with faithfulness. The typical length of our worship services is 75 minutes.
WHAT KIND OF APPAREL IS WORN ON SUNDAYS? Everyone is welcome to attend regardless of the style of clothing that is worn. The typical apparel worn on a Sunday morning is business casual, but some people are very casual, and a few will wear clothing that is more traditionally formal.
WHAT IS DISCIPLESHIP HOUR? Discipleship Hour is an hour on Sunday mornings when children, youth, and adults meet for Bible study in age appropriate classes. There are Bible classes for all children and youth. Adults meet for Bible study in classes, loosely organized by age. Some adults have chosen to use this hour for their Life Group. Each class or Life Group chooses their own Bible study.
WHAT IS A LIFE GROUP? A Life Group is a group of 8-16 adults that share life together. They support one another, study together, and serve each other and others outside of their group. They meet bi-weekly or weekly.
WHAT MINISTRIES ARE OFFERED ON WEDNESDAY EVENINGS? On Wednesday evenings we offer a full range of Bible classes for children and youth. Kingdom Kids and Zone 56 meets in the Kingdom Village downstairs. Junior High and High School meet across the street in the Cross-Training Center. There is also a prayer meeting for adults that meets in the Church Office Conference Room.
WHAT IS THE BIBLE READING GUIDE? Every year we are encouraged to read a chapter of the Bible 5 days a week. A list and order of reading is prepared at the beginning of each year. The Bible reading encourages us to take time each day to “sit at the feet of Jesus” and listen for what He wants to teach us that day. We are also challenged to Life Journal what we have heard.
WHAT IS LIFE JOURNALING? Life Journaling is the act of writing down what we have heard the Holy Spirit speak to our hearts in our Bible reading. We follow the acrostic SOAP in our journaling. S is the scripture that God has highlight to us from the chapter. O is the observation that explains the background to the highlighted scripture. A is the application that we are challenged to take. And, P is the prayer that I offer to God about what He has just said to me. Presently, there are 3 Life Journal groups that gather on Wednesdays to journal together. These groups are open to all. HOW DO WE CARE FOR CHILDREN? There is a place to belong for children of all ages. Babies age 0-2 are cared for by our nursery volunteer staff during the Worship Service and the Life Group gatherings/Sunday School classes that follow. The nursery is located directly behind the worship center on the east side of the building. All children over the age of 2 are invited to join their families in the worship service for the worship through music time, then children age 2 through kindergarten are dismissed to their own Bible learning time (Kid’s Church) right before the sermon. There are Bible classes offered for children age 2 and up during the Life Group/Sunday School time frame each Sunday morning from 11:00-11:50, and Bible-centered activities and games on Wednesday nights for children age 4 through 6th grade. For the safety of the children that are entrusted to our care, all Koerner Heights Church volunteers complete an application process and background checks before ministering to children and their families.